
We’re looking for an experienced dev leader and a strong developer who are excited to build AdMass’s technology team and products. These talented developers are passionate about creating the code culture of AdMass, making influential decisions about our code base and architecture, and being both hands-on and strategic about product and engineering decisions and how they affect the business. They will have a great deal of autonomy, find turning their ideas into product very satisfying and are eager to grow in the roles as AdMass grows.

In addition to building user-facing products from the ground up, the engineers would also develop internal tools to help us scale quickly, capturing data through multiple sources (APIs, web scraping, fire hoses, and our own apps), and integrating machine learning algorithms into our products. At AdMass, we care about quality, we care about speed, but above everything else we care about passion. We want developers who are eager to own multiple projects and take pride in what they accomplish.

Our current tech stack is Python with Django (back end) and Javascript (front end), hosted on AWS and our databases are in PostgreSQL.

Currently, we need engineers to roll up their sleeves and start building. Ideally, we’d like to hire full-time, but we’re flexible and will consider part-time and potential contract-to-hire engagements, too. Full-time hires would be compensated with salary and equity.

About AdMass Inc.

At AdMass, we believe advertising should be relevant and feel native.

We improve advertising by connecting advocates (typically, influencers on social media) to the brands they love to talk about their experience with that brand. By measuring the impact and response of these interactions, we help brands through all of their advertising channels by focusing on the right audiences and the right message.

AdMass tackles this problem by splitting it into two sides, advertisers and influencers. We’re building technology for each side to make everyone better off. Our influencer web app is currently in beta and development on our MVP advertiser platform is just beginning.